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Alen Simonyan’s congratulatory message on International Women’s Day

המסר המברך של אלן סימוניאן ביום האישה הבינלאומי
Dear women!
I congratulate you on this beautiful day. This day is a good opportunity to express our deepest respect and gratitude to you for your dedication, inexhaustible strength, and permanent initiative.
Your day by day increasing involvement in public administration and other spheres of public and political life is a unique source of inspiration for us – men. Our power is determined to continue working towards ensuring equal opportunities so that every woman can realize her full potential without obstacles and restrictions.
I extend my words of humility and respect to the mothers, wives, daughters, and sisters of our soldiers who gave their lives for our homeland.
Dear women! Once again congratulating you on this bright spring day, I wish you warmth, happiness, and unwavering will in all your endeavours.

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