The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia continues to draw the attention of the international community, particularly of partners interested in peace in the region and valuing humanitarian principles, to the issue of the release of Armenian prisoners of war, hostages and other detained individuals held in Azerbaijan. It also highlights the staged trials against some of them, which are being conducted with gross procedural violations and clear signs of torture.
There is deep concern over the publications of photos and videos from the “trials” of 23 Armenian prisoners of war, hostages and other detainees, as well as the alarming reports from their lawyers regarding coercion, torture and the evident deterioration of their health, including that of Ruben Vardanyan, who is currently on a hunger strike.
This pattern of conduct is further substantiated by the concerns expressed by the UN Committee Against Torture, the documented cases of torture of Armenian prisoners of war reported by the Human Rights Watch and other organizations, as well as Azerbaijan’s persistent evasion of coordinated cooperation with international bodies, including the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. The Government of Armenia continues to receive reports of the use of prohibited measures against Armenian prisoners of war, hostages and other detainees.
Armenian prisoners of war, hostages and other detainees are being unlawfully held in Azerbaijan in blatant disregard of its commitments and international obligations. Their detention and persecution constitute a gross violation of international humanitarian law and fundamental human rights. A mere listing of the relevant international multilateral documents includes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, The Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, Geneva Convention IV (1949) and European Convention on Human Rights.
It is evident that the Azerbaijani authorities are using this judicial spectacle as a tool for political pressure on the Republic of Armenia and for manipulation within society, given the sensitivity of the issue for every family member and the entire society.
It is particularly noteworthy that these processes are taking place amid the continued propaganda of ethnic hatred against Armenians in Azerbaijani media.
Above everything and first of all, the comprehensive settlement of any conflict includes preparing peoples for peace, while the additional and artificial prolongation of unresolved humanitarian issues does not serve this purpose, to say the least, and only reduces the likelihood of such resolution. This understanding has been repeatedly emphasized during discussions with Azerbaijan, as well as on various international platforms by partners and organizations. We expect that this understanding will also prevail in the perceptions of the Azerbaijani authorities over the continuous fueling of hostility and short-term calculations.
In the absence of a final resolution to the issue, Armenia cannot remain indifferent or uninvolved therefore, and will continue to raise the matter on various platforms and in different formats, expecting solutions and positive progress.
Source: First Channel News of RA